It has been a while since I have posted on this blog – an indication of just how busy I have been!  Normally, things go quiet after Year 6 have taken their SATs and the Year 11s have taken their GCSEs.  This year has bucked that trend.  Several of my Y6 students have stayed on until the end of term and some are even staying for Y7 and moving to the Saturday Classes.

In addition, I have had so many enquiries for tuition in September that all but one of my 1-2-1 weekday, after school slots are already filled!  I am now looking forward to starting my Saturday classes of up to three students in September.

Furthermore, this is proving to be my busiest summer holidays ever.  I have managed to fill Tuesdays with tuition and some students are even having tuition on other days.  Summer tuition is proving popular with students wanting to ‘catch up’ ready for the new academic year and those who attend independent schools and who have up to 10 weeks of summer holiday.  We are well on the way to preventing ‘Summer Slide’ and even reversing the tables by making plenty of ‘Summer Progress’!

As there seems to be a demand for some students to have two sessions each week during the holidays, I am considering changing my ‘holiday’ offerings from Tuesdays, to Mondays and Fridays, for the October half-term.  (See, we haven’t even reached September and I am planning for October half-term. Well, it is good to have a plan isn’t it!)

For those who are enjoying their summer holiday break – I hope you’re having a relaxing time ready to return to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn.  Enjoy!